Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Teflon Cream

Lurking in the dark corners, an evil spirit watches your every move...

Nah, just wanted to welcome back my old friend, the X-ConVict after he had been put in the good hands of Joanne for several weeks. Gave him a nice Satin job. Gotta think of a name for it. I was first thinking "Dirty Sink" since that's what the surface looked like, uniformly scratchy. But I think it doesn't fit cause it's so shiny (Well, at least for the first week or so). Maybe "Teflon" since it grinds better than anything I've ever tried (Yes, even my beadblasted 888!)

Anyway, news for myself, I am facing the possibility of NOT being able to attend MYYC this year. Unless I can somehow make $$$$ appear out of thin air I may not be able to afford the trip. So now I need to formulate a plan to earn some $$$$ so my ticket to MYYC 2011 is guaranteed. And such an opportunity is within my grasp.

Not giving away details, but let's say a certain someone decided that a certain something was certainly something, and is gonna make that something into a {???? = PROFIT!} business.

Anyway, let me end this with a teaser of what's up next week:

Oh Bugger.

Yep, a bootleg SuperYoYo.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A (big) bit about myself.

Nice Mug, hehehe.

My name is Victor and I am a former West Malaysian studying in Sarawak in an Australian University administrated by a German Doctor. Guess I fit in the Multi-National agenda somewhere.

My first introduction to yo-yo, like everyone else in Malaysia back in 1998-1999 was through the World-Wide Proyo campaign, which made it's landfall in Malaysia. I was fortunate to be at the right place and the right time to witness the first performance from Yo-Hans at 1 Utama, which I was reluctant to go to in the first place (My mom forced me to accompany her and my Aunt for a shopping trip) So I saw a stage with the words Proyo there and decided to hang around. I ended up staying there the whole day, watching Yo-Hans work that yo-yo like a wizard. Like all the kids there, I was hooked. I got my first Proyo, a red Proyo Crayon. That was one of the best days I had, ever.

I learnt some tricks real fast. I was walking the dog, throwing forward passes and even tried my hand at looping, but the best trick I could do at the time was UFO. I always wondered how the pros managed to keep their yoyos spinning so long (heard from a friend that it was because they use a "metal axle" lol) After a while, interest waned but then the second wave of the campaign was launched, and I had the fortune of watching Yo-Hans in action with Ben McPhee and Katie Miller.

So that yo-yo was my baby, I used it constantly and always carried it in my pocket, and even my baby sister got her own proyo (Which I used more than she did). At every outing or events I would never fail to bring the Proyo with me. Then, the inevitable happened.

Proyos have a fixed axle, and if I missed a trapeze or a braintwister it'll end up in a knot. I had such a knot, and when I unscrewed the yo-yo to fix it I end up over tightening it. The stress was too much for the plastic to handle and after one hard drop on the floor, the proyo broke. I tried to glue it back, but it didn't feel the same as before, and it broke again. As a kid back then, it was hard to lose something you have a strong emotional attachment to. So basically my yo-yoing days ended there.

A few years later, Malaysia was experiencing the second boom, this time in the form of SuperYo-yo, spearheaded by a Japanese cartoon series. It brought back a bit of nostalgia, but I was largely distant from it. At the playground a friend of mine showed me his SuperYo-yo and talked about him taking part in a contest. I played with it and showed some tricks, and he was impressed. He asked me why I didn't go for the contests, since I would have stood a chance of winning. I couldn't answer.

Between the years of 2004 to 2009 nothing happened in terms of yo-yoing for me. I moved on to other pursuits, and enjoying my Secondary school life. I picked up music and started learning the guitar. I seemed to have moved on, until...

One day in June 2009 I was travelling about 1 Utama, and I headed to the music shop, wanted to get some guitar strings. I heard that Guitar Collection had opened a branch in 1U, so I went to get some heavy gauge strings, since I was Heavy into Metal and used drop tunings a lot. Not finding the strings I wanted, I left, and decided to drop by the kite shop nearby. I saw it, sitting on the yellow shelf, a Duncan Proyo. I couldn't believe my eyes. Like finding a long lost friend, I bought one immediately. A black Profly.

Playing it and looping it brought back some good old memories. I dropped by the shop again and took a look at the Freehand Zero. I hadn't the faintest idea what freehand was about, until I remembered back a few years ago, in Sunway Pyramid, I had encountered a group of people playing with yo-yos at a store called RadioActive. The strongest memory was of a big, portly guy playing with a big yo-yo with a ball tied to the end of the string. Little did I know that that was the first time I saw Dimi.

I saved up and got the Freehand. I picked the skull cause it looked cool. One thing led to another and soon I was on Youtube, watching vids of Andre Boulay with his awesome tutorial vids, learning about unresponsive play and Yuuki Slacks. Yuuki Spencer was my yo-yo god, his tricks were so fast and so good I knew that something big was going on. Searching about yo-yos I stumbled upon M-yo.com. I connected with the Yo-yoers at the weekly gatherings, and made friends with great personalities like Dimi, Azrul, Arif, Hon Vee & Shakeel.

So basically this was how I started, quit and re-started yo-yoing. Part 2 of my story starts with me moving to Sarawak, but that is another story to tell.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Yo Just started, and the statement of the Mission

Yo, what's up? Yo-yo, what's sup? (Lame)

I'm Vic and I'm a YoyoFreak living and breathing in Kuching, Malaysia.

Basically I had this Idea last night and I decided to give it a shot.

If you hate long boring reads, Just skip to the last paragraph.

All yo-yoers like us love to read reviews of our favorite yo-yos, or even yo-yos that soon will become our favorite, so we could make a judgement on what should we spend our painstakingly saved up pocket money on.

Over in the US, I envy you guys. You guys get the best brands and the best yo-yos at prices you guys could afford. YoyoJams, YoyoFactories, General-Yo. Over here, thanks to the close proximity to the bootleg mecca of the world, China, we get all sorts of yo-yos here. Cheap. And bad.

Reading reviews of good yo-yos and listening to the praises and thumbs up the good ones are getting, I was thinking to myself, where do I have to go to get a bad review? Obviously there would be none, cause no-one would be bothered to read that review, let alone buy that yo-yo

But over in the east, the story is different. People can't afford a "Proper" yo-yo like the West could. Imagine, a Full-Time job at KFC or McDonald's in Malaysia nets you between Rm800-Rm900 a month (That's roughly USD260 - USD290) but a Yo-yo, like say a Yuuksta, costs us Rm230, not including shipping. And it's even worse in places like Indonesia, where a kid can't even afford a YoyoJam Hybrid Yo-yo. So, we turn to Bootlegs, like an Auldey Storm Eagle, a Duncan FHZ Bootleg using a starburst response costing around only Rm40 (about USD 13).

So for some people who can't afford a "Decent" yo-yo and want to try out a bootleg, and not too sure about whether they should consider getting the yo-yo, come and read my reviews. If you want to see if a bootleg is any good compared to the original, come read my reviews. If you just want to see video of me smashing stuff, skip the damn review, look at the vid.

So, what I'm gonna do is to cruise around town, pick up the cheapest yo-yo around, and do a review on it. Just for the fun (Or Unfun) of it. I may even review bad yo-yos that my friends don't want. And at the end, I would decide either to Keep it, or Kill it. And Kill it I will in the most spectacular way possible. Yeah.

Check back in about a week. I'd be posting the first Bad Review soon.