The orange one is an offstring yo-yo by Auldey. The silver one is called the Aoda Litte, and apparently, it's a really really small yoyo. Jayson of SYblog describes it as small at the DreamYo Pxy, which in itself is really really small. Kinda interesting.

Also worth noting is the Spacer/shim system of the Auldey Offstring. They have a regular thin spacer, but under it you can stack up washers/shims to increase the gap size, which makes it interesting to say the least. Plus it uses Auldey's version of the solid spin, which should make for pretty stable spins.
The specs of the Offstring is as follows:
Diameter : 68mm
Width : 46.5mm
Effective width : 36mm
Weight : 70g
The name according to the Auldey Webpage is AnYingZhiYue, which literally means the Moon in Darkness.
Go check out more pics here:
Auldey Offstring
Aoda Little
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