Saw this when I visited auldey's Yo-yo Webpage
Looks like Auldey's making more Player Editions now. Sweet.
Here are the pics screened from the webpage. They're descriptions there which I will translate to the best of my abilities.
Disclaimer: These translations are my own interpretation and/or loosely translated from the original Chinese text. I don't claim that these translations are 100% accurate but it should give an idea about what is being conveyed in chinese.
Auldey HuoHu (Fire Fox)
- Full Metal yo- yo with grooved outer area.
- Grooved outer surface for an improved feel, and for improved grind performance.
- The Internals uses a Dual O-ring design, and an optimized weight distribution.
- Auldey's Evolution Level Competition Yo-yo, signature series by Takuto Luo as used in the 2010 Chinese Nationals
Auldey JianKe (Swordsman)
- Bi-Metallic Design
- Full Sized, Prescision Balanced, Stable Spin.
- Laser engraved, great aesthetics.
- Auldey's Evolution Level Competition Yo-yo, signature series by Lee Wai On (CN 2010 1A 3rd) as used in the 2010 Chinese Nationals
Auldey TianMaShenGong V (Peagasus's Arrow V/Unicorn's Bow V?)
- H-shaped yoyo (?), a new generation of H-Shaped (?) metal Yo-yos.
- Prescision Built, Extra wide body, Super Strong Spin, Ultra Stable.
- Laser Engraved, Beautiful looks.
- Auldey Evolution Level Competition yoyo, signature series by Lue Ren Ye (?not sure whom?)
Auldey HuangJingHuoYan (Golden Flame)
- Unique Metal Rim Construction
- Balanced weight distribution, dimensioned for Asian hands, nice, comfortable feel.
- Beautiful rims construction, Excellent spin ability.
- Undersized, Great for hops, Complex String Tricks, flexible performance.
That's all for now. There's also the Titanium Yoyo and the Metal Photon featured, but I think got them covered pretty well. Will update as soon as I get more info.
Note: Since these Yoyos are equipped with Auldey's version of the KonKave & Hubstack Technology, they might not become available in the US as depicted here.
Auldey Yo-yos
Update - Updated with PinYin for the Name then Translation
Update - Grammar Police made a house call. & Additional Info
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